Granada, Málaga, Córdoba, Sevilla, Marbella, Ronda, Cádiz, Jaen, Almería, Nerja, Tarifa

approx. 780 years Moors and Arabs

On 30 April 711, an army of Moors (partly nomadic Berber tribes from North Africa who were Islamized) and Arabs landed in Gibraltar. In the “Battle of the River Guadalete” (July 19-26, 711), the Muslim troops were victorious over the Visigothic army. In a seven-year campaign, they brought most of the Iberian Peninsula under Muslim control. In 722, the first phase of the Christian reconquest from Arab rule began - the Reconquista. The fight against the Arabs did not prevent some Christian kings from trading with them. Christian army leaders also concluded treaties with Muslims to fight alongside them.

Artificial irrigation systems for agriculture and food imports from the Middle East supplied the agricultural economy of Córdoba and other cities far better than the economies of other regions of Europe. Under the Caliphate, Córdoba became the largest and most prosperous city in Europe and one of the leading cultural centers of the Islamic world. On our Córdoba route, we visit the old town and the Mezquita. On our Granada route, in Granada's oldest district - the Albaicín - we encounter evidence from the time of Moorish settlement with spectacular views of the Alhambra, considered one of the most important examples of Moorish style in Islamic art. On all our routes, we pass through many of Andalusia's white villages, which acquired their current appearance during the Moorish occupation.

The rule of the Caliphate of Córdoba collapsed in a ruinous civil war that lasted from 1009 to 1013. It was finally formally abolished in 1031. Al-Andalus disintegrated into several independent states. These were often too weak to defend themselves against the constant attacks and demands for tribute from the Christian states in the north and west. The second phase of the Reconquista (1086 to 1212) began. During this period, the Christian kingdoms gradually gained control over large parts of the Iberian Peninsula. At the same time, there were many close economic and personal ties between Christians and Muslims. The third and final phase of the Reconquista (1213 to 1492) saw countless battles, conquests and reconquests. The suffix “de la Frontera” - “on the border” - after many place names refers to the long battles between Moors and Christians. Numerous buildings and sites of these fierce battles lie along our routes. With the siege of Granada by the troops of the Catholic Monarchs and the forced surrender of the city and the Alhambra, Moorish rule on the Iberian Peninsula came to an end in 1492.

Battle of Teba - August 25, 1330 - Castillo de la Estrella fortress

Granada, Málaga, Córdoba, Sevilla, Marbella, Ronda, Cádiz, Jaen, Almería, Nerja, Tarifa

The fortress dates back to Roman times, with the preserved towers and walls offering a fascinating insight into ancient architecture. During Arab rule, the fortress was further expanded and served as a strategic defense system in the region. However, the fortress achieved its greatest historical significance in 1330, when it became the scene of the famous Battle of Teba. This decisive clash pitted the troops of King Alfonso XI of Castile-Leon against those of Emir Muhammad IV of Granada. The battle was an important moment in the Christian reconquest of Andalusia.

One particular chapter of this battle tells the story of the Scottish knight James Douglas, a close friend and officer of the Scottish king Robert the Bruce. Douglas was on his way to the Holy Land to bury the heart of the deceased king when he became involved in the Battle of Teba. He fought bravely alongside the Castilian troops, but fell in the battle. In honor of his bravery and service, a great festival is held in the town of Teba in late July to early August, attracting visitors from Scotland and across the region. These celebrations offer a vibrant mix of history, culture and community and bring the events of the past back to life in a unique atmosphere.

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